Why 🤔 do 👌 I 👉🤳 use 😏 the internet 💻 when 😂🕕 I'm 👟 constantly overwhelmed by 🔥 it???? Everywhere 😎 I 😊 swipe there 💓💔💑 is something 😅 new 🆕 to see 👀 which 👨🏻‍🦰 is cool 😎😎 and all 👨 but 🧈 I 👁️ don't 🚫 think 🤔 humans 👨‍🔧 are meant 👀 to be 😡🐝 THIS bombarded with information ℹ every 😔 single 🚫👆 waking second 🥈 of their 👈👏 lives 💓 !!!! 💻 I 👁️ don't ✨❌🚫 want 😍 to see 🙉👀 any 🤣 of this anymore! In 😻 my 🐩😀 Design 🖌️ Research Kit, 100% 💯 of participants who 💁 regularly 🌃 consume content 🌎 online 🏻🙆👵🏼🈸💻💻📲 felt ✋🏻 overwhelmed and mentally 🧠 affected 😛 by 😡 this very 👌 content. 🌎 What 😦 if this content 🌎 could 🔒 magically disappear every 😠 time 💥💥💥 we 🌽 dwell on 🔛 it for 😏👨 too 🤗 long? ❗ Don't get me wrong!!! 😫😵 I 👩 love 😍 the internet. 😎😟💻 I 💁 also 👨 hate 😡 it at the same 👢💞🍃👭💩💩 time. 🕓 I 🔥 love 🤗 being 👏😩 able 💪💪 to express myself 😈👑 freely, yet 👌❗ I ❌ feel 😌😌 constrained by ⏩ being 😮 online. ❌ I 👁️ love 😹 being 😑🙄 able 💪 to talk 👄💬 with all 💯 my 👀 friends 👫👬👭 instantly, yet ❗❗ I 👏 constantly feel 🦋 overwhelmed. I 🙋‍♂️ feel 💓 connected, ➡️⬅️ but 🦎 more ➕ isolated than 🙅 I’ve 🤭 ever 😠 felt 😎😰😰😎 in 😩 my 🎤 entire 👏👏 life. 📅 Why? 😸